Hatawa Hated Cats

Author: Paul McGranaghan City: Dublin, Irelandangry-cat

“It’s Natasha!”

“Well, it says here Hatawa”. Riordan tapped the computer screen with his pen.

“It does not say there Hatawa, because Hatawa is not my name. I don’t even know if Hatawa is a name, but if it is, it certainly isn’t my name because my name is Natasha. Natasha Katko”.

“Yeah, I got the Katko bit alright”.

“You got the Katko bit alright, now you have the Natasha bit alright too. Natasha Katko. I’ve been working here since the summer; since the beginning of June. Nat-ash-ah. Say it after me: Nat-Ash-Ah”. Continue reading